[Quiz] Aptitude: Compound Interest - TNPSC GURU - TNPSC Group 2A/2 Apply Online - Join Test batch

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Monday, April 28

[Quiz] Aptitude: Compound Interest

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  1. [TNPSC 2013] At what rate CI does a sum of money becomes nine fold in 2 years
    1.  200%
    2.  150%
    3.  100%
    4.  300%

  2. Find the Interest of Rs. 1800 invested at 10% p.a at CI for 2 Years
    1. Rs.  278
    2.  Rs. 378
    3. Rs.  380
    4. Rs.  480

  3. Find the Amount of Rs. 1800 invested at 10% p.a at CI for 2 Years
      1. Rs.  2168
      2. Rs.  2160
      3. Rs.  2178
      4. Rs.  2180

    1. Find the Amount of Rs. 500 invested at 10% p.a at CI for 4 Years
      1. Rs.  55
      2. Rs.  40
      3. Rs.  540
      4.  Rs. 605

    2. Find the Interest of Rs. 500 invested at 10% p.a at CI for 4 Years
      1.  Rs. 105
      2. Rs.  40
      3. Rs.  540
      4.  Rs. 605

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