[Result] IBPS PO 4 Final Results Today Check Soon- Final Cut off Marks, Result Date - TNPSC GURU - TNPSC Group 2A/2 Apply Online - Join Test batch

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Saturday, November 22

[Result] IBPS PO 4 Final Results Today Check Soon- Final Cut off Marks, Result Date

IBPS PO/MT Phase 4 2014 - 2015 Recruitments

IBPS PO Notification 2014-15

The Notification regarding the IBPS CWE 4 Exam is announced by IBPS. Already the Tentative Exam calender for PO, Clerk, SO(Specialist Officer) and RRB Exams are announced by the IBPS on 15th May 2014. You can also check the list of Banks Accepting IBPS Score for PO recruitment and be updated with the latest upcoming bank exams for the year 2014-2015.

Download here the IBPS PO 2014-15 Notification - http://www.ibps.in/career_pdf/CWE_PO_MT_IV_27_06_2014.pdf
Latest: IBPS Final PO 2014 Results Published Today (1st April 2015). Check Here http://ibps.sifyitest.com/cwepoivjan15/login.php?appid=dksfllkdamikefnaahs Please share your exam experience in the comment box. To get very Latest Information Please give plus 1


IBPS PO 4 2014-15 Sectional and Overall Cut off marks
IBPS CWE PO 2014 Section wise and Overall final written exam cut off mark will be updated here as soon as the result is announced.
  • General (Gen) - 
  • Other Backward Classes (OBC) - 
  • Scheduled Caste (SC) - 
  • Orthopaedically Challenged (OC) - 
  • Visually Impaired (VI) - 
  • Scheduled Tribe (ST)  - 
  •  Hearing Impaired (HI)  - 

IBPS PO 2014-15 Expected Vacancies

The Exact vacancy details is not announced yet. But it is expected to be around 25000+ 

IBPS PO 2014-15 Important Dates

Online Registration 22.07.2014 – 11.08.2014 
Payment of Application Fees- Online 22.07.2014 – 11.08.2014 
Payment of Application Fees- Offline 24.07.2014 – 14.08.2014 
Download of Call Letter for Pre-Examination Training (PET) for SC/ST/ Minority Community candidates  11.09.2014 – 22.09.2014 
Pre-Examination Training 22.09.2014 – 27.09.2014 
Download of Call letter for Examination After 01.10.2014 
Online Examination (Tentative dates)- some/ all/ additional dates as  the need arises
  • 11.10.2014 & 12.10.2014 
  • 18.10.2014 & 19.10.2014 
  • 01.11.2014 & 02.11.2014 
Declaration of result status of examination (CWE) - November, 2014 
Download of call letters for Interview - January 2015 
Conduct of Interview -  January 2015 
Provisional Allotment - April 2015 

IBPS PO Syllabus 2014-15 and Exam Pattern

The IBPS PO Exam will consists of 5 Sections with total Marks 200 and Exam duration of 2 hours.
  1. Reasoning 50
  2. English Language 40
  3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 
  4. General Awareness  (with special reference to Banking Industry)  40  
  5. Computer Knowledge 20
Candidates can download their IBPS PO 2014-15 Exam Hall ticket/Admit card 2-4 weeks before the exam. We will also help you with the exact link to download IBPS PO 2014 Hall ticket. IBPS PO 2014 Hall ticket download link will be updated soon.

IBPS PO  2014 exam call letter here http://ibps.sifyitest.com/cwepomtsep14/login.php?appid=saedqeswa3d4lqia1icn
To Download IBPS Pre Examination Training Hall Ticket Visit Here 
 IBPS PO 2014-15 Expected Cut Off Marks to Qualify in Online test
This year the expected cut off to clear IBPS Online exam is expected to be higher than that of the previous year IBPS 2013 phase 3 cut off. 

Cut off mark for IBPS PO Phase 4
  • Category Cut-offs on Total (Out of 200)
  • Scheduled Caste (SC) 70
  • Scheduled Tribe (ST) 56
  • Other Backward Classes (OBC) 80
  • General (Gen) 82
  • Hearing Impaired (HI) 36
  • Orthopaedically Challenged (OC) 61
  • Visually Impaired (VI) 38 


  1. blank

    dear sir what is the expected cut off mark for obc to qualify for interview??

    1. blank

      may be around 50-60 for general/obc

  2. blank

    i think its all about keeping yourself calm and time management per section as well as knowing what u r good at and what ur weakness is

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    How was the question paper guys and how you did your ibps po exam???

  4. blank

    i attempted 132 with accuracy..chances are er for me or not

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      a very good attempt... your accuracy decides it...

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    Dear Everybody

    Ihave attempted as under
    Quant 16
    Reasoning 25
    English 26
    Computer 19
    GA 25

    but in GA 6 questions are wrong due to confusion.
    Any chances for me ?????

    1. blank

      Absolutely! Why not...You gonna b a future M.D. of RBI...

  6. blank

    PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOY.....

  7. blank

    sir i have attempted 83 (general)
    what is my chances

    1. blank

      12 is such a low number. Next time try at least 20.

    2. blank

      accuracy matters dear.....
      if ur sure abt 90 percent of them being correct then no one can stop u
      from becoming a PO

  8. blank

    sir i have attempted 115(general)
    quant 14
    reasoning 30
    english 17
    gk 24
    comptr 16
    any chance ??
    rply me

  9. blank

    83 total OBC
    maths 14
    reas 18
    eng 19
    comp 15
    GA 17
    any hope ?

  10. blank

    sir i attempted 97 qs and expecting 65-72 marks from that and i m from obc
    any chance?
    pls reply me

  11. blank

    sir i have attended 135. obc is there is a possibility

  12. blank

    i think cutoff will be same or decrease.. .... becouse paper was very difficult.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      this time the number of applicants was also very high...

    2. blank

      this tym around 15 lacs and last time approx 13 lacs
      so is it a huge difference ???

    3. blogger_logo_round_35

      it that true that only around 15 lakhs applied??? any reliable source...

      many told that more than 20 lakhs applied...

    4. blank

      these r all rumours ......
      do u have any kind of proof that whatever ur saying is true???

  13. blank

    hi, I attempted 78 with 90-95% accuracy in english, gk and computers.
    I attempted 80 with 50% accuracy in quant and reasoning. Please let me know about my chances.
    BC category.

  14. blank

    sir I attempted 73.
    quant - 10 (9 correct for sure)
    reasoning - 16( 12 correct for sure)
    English - 20 ( 70%accuracy)
    gk - 13 (8 correct for sure . don't know abt the rest)
    comp - 14( 9 correct for sure . don't knw abt d rest)

    sc - category

    is dere any chance...????

  15. blogger_logo_round_35
  16. blogger_logo_round_35

    sir i have attended
    25 apps,
    15 reasoning
    25 eng
    18 gk
    15 comp

    So is there any chance?
    and what will be expected cutoff under reasoning section

  17. blogger_logo_round_35

    I have attended more than 25 correct answers in all subjects except 13 in QA. I belong to OBC. Is there any chance.

  18. blank

    i think this year's cut off will be around 65 and i have a feeling that this time ibps will increase sectional cut off instead of overall cut off to eliminate students.

  19. blank

    i attempt 109q with 90%accuaracy & i have gen catogry will i select

  20. blogger_logo_round_35

    i attempted 95 questions and cutt off for obc is 80 so i maybe almost on brorder line so what are my chances of getting a po job
    please guide me

  21. blank

    sir what will be the cutoff for VI candidates in interview???

  22. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hlo sir
    Mere 104 marks hain SC category me kya chance hain pls rply me


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