[Quiz] Science Biology- Free Online Test - 1 (6th STD) - TNPSC GURU - TNPSC Group 2A/2 Apply Online - Join Test batch


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[Quiz] Science Biology- Free Online Test - 1 (6th STD)

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TNPSC Free Online Test by TNPSC GURU.in
Science - Biology

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Tamil Nadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Std
Science Biology Full
Science Biology Online Test Series No: 1
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10 Min
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TNPSC Free Online Test

  1. Which state is known as Spice garden of India?
    1.  Tamil nadu
    2.  Karnataka
    3.  Assam
    4.  Kerala 

  2. Arrange ascending order as per water content
    1.  Milk, Water melon, cucumber, egg, mushroom, potato
    2.  Water melon, cucumber , mushroom, milk, potato, egg
    3.  Milk, Egg, cucumber, water melon, potato, mushroom
    4.  Water melon, Milk, Cucumber, mushroom, Egg, potato

  3. Which pair is rightly matched as per deficiency disease
    1.  Vitamin  D              -  Rickets
    2.  Vitamin C              - Infertility
    3.  Vitamin B              - Scurvy
    4.  Vitamin A              - Beri Beri

  4. Match the correct pair
               1 Calcium                      a, anemia
        2, Iodine                         b, Disintegration of bones and teeth
        3, Iron                             c, Goiter
        4, Protein                       d, kwashiorkar
    1.  c, b, a, d
    2.  a, b, c, d
    3.  d, a ,b , c
    4.  b,  c, a, d

  5. Which pair is correctly matched as per the mode of nutrition
        No Nutrition Organism
        1 Autotrophic - Euglena
        2 Parasitic         - Cuscuta
        3 Ectoparasite - Headlouse
        4 Endoparasite - Round worm
        5 Saprophytic - Mushroom
    1.  4 & 5
    2.  1, 4, 5
    3.  1,2,4,5
    4.  1,2,3,4,5

  6. Lack of which vitamin cause Loss of Excessive blood ?
    1.  vitamin A
    2.  vitamin K
    3.  Vitamin B
    4.  Vitamin D

  7. The name CELL given by?
    1.  Robert Gallo
    2.  Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    3.  Robert Brown
    4.  Robert Hooke

  8. - A cell which do not have membrane bound organelles and  nucleus is Prokaryotic  Cell, B - A cell which contains , nuclear membrane and membrane bound cell organelles nucleus is Eukaryotic Cell,
    1.  Both are correct
    2.  Only A is Correct
    3.  Only B is Correct
    4.  Neither A nor B is Correct

  9. Find out the wrong statement
                I,    Plasma membrane controls exit and entry of the material in Cell
        II,   Nucleus is controlling center and carry genetic characters in cell
        III,  Mitochondria is known as power house of the cell.
        IV, Endoplasmic reticulum helps in transportation of materials in cell.
    1.  only I, II, III are correct
    2.  only  I,II,IV are correct
    3.  only III,IV are correct
    4.  all are correct

  10. Find out the correct pair
    I - Chlorophyll = Green color;
    II - Carotene = orange Pigment
    III- xanthophyll = Yellow pigment
    1.  I, II are correct
    2.  all are correct
    3.  only III are correct
    4.  only I are correct

  11. The book "Origin of species " was written by
    1.  Anton van Leeuwenhoek 
    2.  H.M.S  Beagle
    3.  Robert Gallo
    4.  charles darwin

  12. A: snake heart is 3 chambered , B: snakes are oviparous  but Anaconda is viviparous 
    1.  Only B is correct
    2.  neither A nor B is correct
    3.  Only A is Correct
    4.  Both are Correct

  13. Common cold is caused by which virus
    1.  Herpes virus
    2.  Rhino virus
    3.  Rabdo virus
    4.  None of the Above

  14. Chicken pox is caused by which virus
    1.  All the below
    2.  Rabdo virus
    3.  Rhino virus
    4.  Herpes virus

  15. Penicillin  is discovered by
    1.  Robert Hooke
    2.  Robert Gallo
    3.  Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    4.  Alexander flemming

  16. The example of Molluscs is
    1.  sea cucumber
    2.  snail
    3.  Star fish
    4.  earth worm

  17. Find out the Odd one
    1.  chickenpox  
    2.  Rabies  
    3.  tuberculosis
    4.  Common cold

  18. Tusks of Elephant is
    1.  Incisors
    2.  canines 
    3.  premolars
    4.  Molars    

  19. Echinoderms organism is
    1.  Earthworm
    2.  snail   
    3.  Star fish
    4.  tapeworm 

  20. A: Paddy  comes under monocot plant , B: Monocot plant has fibrous roots.
    1.  Both are Correct
    2.  Only A is correct
    3.  Only B is Correct
    4.  Neither A nor B is Correct

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