[Quiz] Geography - Free Online Test (7th STD) Term 2 Full - TNPSC GURU - TNPSC Group 2A/2 Apply Online - Join Test batch

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[Quiz] Geography - Free Online Test (7th STD) Term 2 Full

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TNPSC Free Online Test by TNPSC GURU.in

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Tamil Nadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Std
Geography - Term 2 -
Chapter 1 - Weather and Climate
Geography Online Test Series No: 4
No of Questions
10 Min
Difficulty Level
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TNPSC Free Online Test

  1. The Word 'Climate' is derived from the language
    1.  Spanish
    2.  Sanskrit
    3.  Latin
    4.  Greek

  2. Fulminology is the study of
    1.  Farms
    2.  Storms
    3.  Rain
    4.  Lightning

  3. Select the correct order of the layers of atmosphere from the ground level to higher level
    1.  Troposphere - Stratosphere - Ionosphere - Exosphere
    2.  Troposphere - Ionosphere - Stratosphere -Exosphere
    3.  Stratosphere - Troposphere - Ionosphere - Exosphere
    4.  Exosphere - Ionosphere - Troposphere - Stratosphere

  4. Isohyets are lines joining different places in map having
    1.  Same amount of insolation
    2.  Same rang of Pressure
    3.  Same range of temperature
    4.  Same amount of Rainfall

  5. Anemometer can be used to find the
    1.  Velocity of wind only
    2.  Direction of wind only
    3.  Displacement of wind only
    4.  Both velocity and Direction of wind

  6. What is the average air pressure at the sea level
    1.  1000 mb
    2.  1013 mb
    3.  1030 mb
    4.  1031mb

  7. Which of the following layer is also known as isothermal layer?
    1.  Ionosphere
    2.  Exosphere
    3.  Troposphere
    4.  Statosphere

  8. The time taken by the solar radiation to reach the earth's surface is about
    1.  8 min
    2.  8 hr
    3.  8 sec
    4.  6 sec

  9. Match List I                             List II
    a) Chinook                                      1. USA
    b) Fohn                                           2. Italy
                            c) Brick fielder                               3. Australia
    d) Sorocco                                      4. Sahara
                                a          b          c          d
    1.  A)        2          4          3          1
    2.  B)        1          3          4          2         
    3.  C)        1          2          3          4         
    4. D)        4          3          2          1.

  10. A: Anticylone will have high pressure centre B: Anticylone rotates in Anticlockwise direction in Northern hemsiphere
    1.  Only A is wrong
    2.  Only B is wrong
    3.  Both A and B are Wrong
    4.  Both A and B are Correct

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