[Quiz] History - Free Online Test (6th STD) Term 2 Full - TNPSC GURU - TNPSC Group 2A/2 Apply Online - Join Test batch


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[Quiz] History - Free Online Test (6th STD) Term 2 Full

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TNPSC Free Online Test by TNPSC GURU.in

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Tamil Nadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Std
Term 2 – Full
History Online Test Series No: 2
No of Questions
10 Min
Difficulty Level
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TNPSC Free Online Test

  1. Where did the aryans settle down in India first?
    1.  Gujarat
    2.  Haryana
    3.  Uttar pradesh
    4.  Punjab

  2. The term sabta Sindhu means
    1.  River of sindhu
    2.  Sound of sindhu
    3.  Land of rivers
    4.  The land of seven rivers

  3. The political and social conditions of the  aryans were dscribed in
    1.  Rig Veda
    2.  Yajur Veda
    3.  Sama Veda
    4.  Atharvana Veda

  4. The second highest administrative unit of the aryans are
    1.  Prajabathi
    2.  Rajan
    3.  Jana
    4.  Visu

  5. Match the following

    Saba -                          1) commander
    Rajan -                       2) represantative of people
    Samiti -                      3) group of elders
    Senai -                        4) king
    1.  1 - 2 - 3 - 4
    2.  4 - 3 - 1 - 2
    3.  3 - 4 - 1- 2
    4.  3 - 4 - 2 - 1

  6. The main ocupation of the Aryans during Rig Veda Age was
    1.  cattle rearing
    2.  Agriculture
    3.  Carpentary
    4.  All the above

  7. The major mode of transportation used by the Aryans is
    1.  by roads 
    2.  by ocean
    3.  by valleys 
    4.  by rivers

  8. The currency used by the aryans is
    1.  Nishka
    2.  Rupee
    3.  rupya 
    4.  kasya

  9. Match the following
    Asatya -            1)  non posession
    Aparigraha -      2 ) non violence
    Bramacharya -   3) non stealing
    Ahimsa -            4) celibacy

    1.  1 - 4 - 2 - 3
    2.  4 - 1 - 3 - 2
    3.  3 - 1 - 4 - 2
    4.  3 - 1 - 2 - 4

  10. The period when the aryans spread over the eastern Asia is during
    1.  Early vedic period 
    2.  later vedic period 
    3.  Middle Vedic Period
    4.  None of the above

  11. At which age Mahavira left all his worldly pleasures and became an ascetic
    1.  27
    2.  29
    3.  31
    4.  30

  12. For how many years Mahavira performed penance
    1.  9
    2.  6
    3.  18
    4.  12

  13. What does the term 'Jina' refers to
    1.  conqueror
    2.  king
    3.  emperor
    4.  Queen

  14. What was the age of Buddha when he got married
    1.  14
    2.  17
    3.  15
    4.  16

  15. Where did Buddha preached his first sermon
    1.  Children's Park
    2.  Playground
    3.  Temple
    4.  Deer park

  16. How was the principles of Buddha on suffering referred as
    1.  Five basic principles
    2.  Four noble truth
    3.  Eight fold path
    4.  Six truth of suffering

  17. How was the principles of Buddha on conduct referred as
    1.  FIve basic principles
    2.  Four noble truth
    3.  Six truth of suffering
    4.  Eight fold path

  18. What was the name of the organisation created by the Buddhist monks
    1.  Sangam
    2.  Stupa
    3.  Saba
    4.  Maha

  19. Buddhism was majorly split into
    1.  five
    2.  four
    3.  two
    4.  three

  20. The currency Nishka used by the aryans were made up of
    1.  Silver
    2.  Gold
    3.  Iron
    4.  Copper


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