TNPSC AO (Agricultural Officer) 2020 Eligibility
In this Post we are going the discuss about the upcoming TNPSC Agricultural Officer Exam 2020 as mentioned in the TNPSC Annual Planner 2020-2021. TNPSC invites application for the post of TNPSC Agricultural Officer in Tamil Nadu Agricultural Extension Service.
Applicants not belonging to SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BC(OBCM), BCM
who have put in five years and more of
service in the State/Central Government are not eligible even if they are within the age limit.
Colour blindness will be a disqualification. Applicants with defective vision should produce eye fitness certificate from a qualified eye specialist.
In this Post we are going the discuss about the upcoming TNPSC Agricultural Officer Exam 2020 as mentioned in the TNPSC Annual Planner 2020-2021. TNPSC invites application for the post of TNPSC Agricultural Officer in Tamil Nadu Agricultural Extension Service.
(as on 01.07.2020)
Sl. No.
Category of Applicants
Maximum Age
SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs and Destitute Widows of all castes.
No age limit
Should not have
completed 30 Years
[For persons holding
B.Sc(Agriculture)] |
32 Years [ For persons holding a post graduate or higher degree in
Agriculture such as
M.Sc (Agriculture) or
Ph.D in Agriculture] |

Explanation: No maximum age limit shall mean that the applicants
should not have completed 58 years
of age either on the date of notification or at the time of
selection/appointment to the post.
(For further
details, refer para. 5 of “Instructions
to Applicants” and Section 3(r) of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016)
Age Concessions
For Differently Abled Persons
Differently Abled Persons are
eligible for age concession upto 10 years over and above the maximum age limit prescribed.
For Ex-servicemen
The maximum age limit for ex-servicemen is 48 years.
(b) The above
mentioned age concession will not apply
to the ex-servicemen applicants who have already been recruited to any class or service or category.
(as on the Date of Notifcation)
Applicants should possess the following or its equivalent
qualification awarded by any University or Institution recognized by the University Grants
(i) Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture (B.Sc.,
Agriculture) AND
Adequate knowledge in Tamil
Adequate knowledge in Tamil means
one must have passed the S.S.L.C. Examination or its equivalent examination
with Tamil as one of the languages or Studied the High School Course in Tamil
Medium and passed the S.S.L.C Examination or its equivalent examination in Tamil Medium or passed the Second Class Language
Test (Full Test) in Tamil conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission [Explanation (i) under Section 21(1)
of Tamil Nadu Government Servants
(Conditions of Service) Act 2016.]
( Note (i) under paragraph 11 of the Commission’s ‘Instruction to Applicants"
will not apply to recruitment
to this post)
Note :
(i) The
qualification prescribed for the post should have been obtained by passing the
qualification in the order of studies, viz., 10th + HSC or its equivalent + Bachelor’s degree + PG degree as required under Section 25 of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016.
qualification in the order of studies, viz., 10th + HSC or its equivalent + Bachelor’s degree + PG degree as required under Section 25 of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016.
(ii) Applicants
claiming equivalence of qualification should upload and submit evidence for equivalence of qualification, in
the form of government order issued prior to the date of this notification, when called for, failing which,
their application will be summarily
rejected. The government orders
regarding equivalence of prescribed qualification issued after the date of this
notification will not be accepted.
(Results of the examination should have been declared on
or before the date of notification)
(For further
details regarding equivalence of qualification refer to para.10 of
the “Instructions to Applicants”).
Applicants selected for appointment to the post will be
required to produce a certificate of physical fitness
in the form prescribed below:
Standard of vision
Form of certificate of physical
fitness |
Form prescribed for
executive post. |
Colour blindness will be a disqualification. Applicants with defective vision should produce eye fitness certificate from a qualified eye specialist.