[Quiz] Indian Economy - Free Online Test - 5 (10th STD) - TNPSC GURU - TNPSC Group 2A/2 Apply Online - Join Test batch


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[Quiz] Indian Economy - Free Online Test - 5 (10th STD)

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TNPSC Free Online Test by TNPSC GURU.in
Indian Economy

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Tamil Nadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th Std
Indian Economy Online Test Series No:5
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10 Min
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TNPSC Free Online Test
What is the name of the first satellite of India -

  1. According to the 2011 Census, the literacy rate of Tamil nadu is -
    1.  80.03%
    2.  90.3%
    3.  75.3%
    4.  80.3%

  2. What is the name of the first satellite of India -
    1.  Rohini
    2.  bhaskara
    3.  Chandrayaan
    4.  Aryabhatta

  3. A: Sarva shiksha Abhiyan is related with - primary Education B: Rashtriya madhyamik Shiksha abiyan is related with - Secondary Education
    1.  Both A and B are Correct
    2.  Both A and B are Wrong
    3.  Only A is correct
    4.  Only B is Correct

  4. When was the green revolution in India introduced by ICAR
    1.  1960
    2.  1962
    3.  1965
    4.  1967

  5. The first satellite of India was launched in the year -
    1.  1972
    2.  1973 
    3.  1974 
    4.  1975 

  6. According to "The right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009," the children should be provided free and compulsory education upto the age of -
    1.  12 years
    2.  14 years
    3.  15 years
    4.  16 years

  7. The Five year plans in India are borrowed from the country -
    1.  China
    2.  England
    3.  USA
    4.  Soviet Russia

  8. Where was the first atomic power station of India started?
    1.  Trombay
    2.  Bombay
    3.  Chennai
    4.  Delhi

  9. Expand MNC -
    1.  Multi National Companies
    2.  Multiple National Corporations
    3.  Multi National Corporations
    4.  Multi National cooperation

  10. Select the contribution to National income from different following sectors in descending order  -
    1.  Primary Sector - Secondary Sector - Tertiary Sector
    2.  Tertiary Sector - Secondary Sector - Primary Sector
    3.  Primary Sector- Tertiary Sector - Secondary Sector 
    4.  Secondary Sector - Primary Sector- Tertiary Sector

  11. What is the total value of goods and services produced and income received by the residents is called?
    1.  NDP
    2.  NNP
    3.  GDP
    4.  GNP

  12. The formula to calculate the Per capita income
    1.  National income x Adult Population
    2.  National income/ Male Population
    3.  National income/ Adult Population
    4.  National income/Population

  13. How the Net Domestic product is calculated-
    1.  GDP - Depreciation
    2.  GNP - Depreciation
    3.  GDP + Depreciation
    4.  GNP + Depreciation

  14. The Laissez-faire doctrine can be best described as-
    1.  intervention by the government in particular field 
    2.  intervention by the government in all economic decisions
    3.  Little intervention by the government
    4.  Non intervention by the government

  15. How the Net National product is calculated-
    1.  GNP + Depreciation
    2.  GDP - Depreciation
    3.  GDP + Depreciation
    4.  GNP - Depreciation

  16. In which year Chandrayan 1 was launced
    1.  2006
    2.  2008
    3.  2009
    4.  2010

  17. According to the 2011 Census, the overall literacy rate of India is -
    1.  74.44%
    2.  74.4%
    3.  75.4%
    4.  74.04%

  18. Five year plans concept in India is borrowed from a particular country in which it is actually a -
    1.  Seven year plan
    2.  Four year plan
    3.  Three year plan
    4.  Ten year Plan

  19. Match the following places with its famous products
    1.Benaras   -  (a) Handlooms
    2.Bengal - (b) Shawls
    3.Ludhiana  - (c) Calicos
    4.Tamil nadu - (d) Silk
    5. Kashmir - (e) Woolen

    1.  d  - c  - b - a - e
    2.  d  - a  - e - c - b
    3.  d  - c  - e - a - b
    4.  d  - a  - c - e - b

  20. In Which year the Planning commission was established
    1.  1947
    2.  1950
    3.  1952
    4.  1955

  21. Who is the Chairman of the Planning commission is  -
    1.  RBI Governor
    2.  The Governor
    3.  The President
    4.  The Prime Minister

  22. The Period for the Twelfth five year plan is -
    1.  2017 - 2022
    2.  2002 - 2007
    3.  2007 - 2012
    4.  2012 - 2017

  23. The total value of goods and services produced within the geographical boundary of the country is referred as
    1.  GDP
    2.  GNP
    3.  NDP
    4.  NNP

  24. Who started the Boodhan Movement -
    1.  Rabindranath Tagore
    2.  Indira Ghandhi
    3.  M K Ghandhi
    4.  Vinoba Bhave

  25. When the first atomic power station was started in India -
    1.  1974
    2.  1965
    3.  1955
    4.  1956

Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 | Test 5 | Test 6 | Test 7 | Test 8 | Test 9

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