[Quiz] Indian Economy - Free Online Test 2 (7th STD) - TNPSC GURU - TNPSC Group 2A/2 Apply Online - Join Test batch


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[Quiz] Indian Economy - Free Online Test 2 (7th STD)

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TNPSC Free Online Test by TNPSC GURU.in
Indian Economy

Exam Portions
Tamil Nadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Std
Term 3 – Social Science
Economics - Chapter 1   - Factors of Production
Indian Economy Online Test Series No: 2
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10 Min
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TNPSC Free Online Test

  1. Who is called as the Father of economics
    1.  Adam Smith
    2.  Lionel Robbins
    3.  Amarthya Sen
    4.  Dadhabhai Naoroji

  2. Who is the author of the book 'An enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of nature '
    1.  Dadhanhai Naojoji
    2.  Amarthya Sen
    3.  M K Ghandhi
    4.  Adam Smith

  3. The number of factor of production are
    1.  Three
    2.  Four
    3.  Five
    4.  Six

  4. Which among the following is referred to as the primary factors of production.
    1.  Land and Capital
    2.  Land and Labour
    3.  Capital and Labour
    4.  Capital and Organisation

  5. Which among the following is referred to as the derived factors of production.
    1.  Land and Capital
    2.  Land and Labour
    3.  Capital and Labour
    4.  Capital and Organisation

  6. Secondary sectors are also referred as
    1.  Raw materials
    2.  Manufacturing
    3.  Services
    4.  Health care

  7. The factor reward for the 'Capital' as the factor of production is
    1.  Rent
    2.  Wages
    3.  Profit
    4.  Interest

  8. The factor reward for the 'Land' as the factor of production is
    1.  Rent
    2. Wages
    3.  Profit
    4.  Interest

  9. Which among the following activities does not comes under tertiary sector?
    1.  Entertainment
    2.  Banking
    3.  Textile production
    4.  Communication

  10. 80 % of the labour force in USA is engaged in
    1.  Primary Sector
    2.  Secondary Sector
    3.  Primary and Secondary Sector
    4.  Tertiary Sector

Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 | Test 5 | Test 6 | Test 7 | Test 8 | Test 9


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    1. thanks for the feedback... are you asking about more science and geo information in current affairs section or online test section.???

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    2. Sorry to tell you sir.
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